Author Archives: The Potter's House

#ForensicFavor – TPH Impact

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A Forensic View on Favor

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#DoubleCrossed – TPH Impact

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Marriage Today

As I work with couples for the last few years, I am seeing trends that are not healthy. God established marriage in the garden, Gen. 2:24, “Therefore shall a man leave his father and mother and cleave unto his wife; and they shall be one flesh.” The phrase, “shall become one flesh” is escaping the […]

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TPH Impact #PositionMe

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Position Me

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#AmbidextrousGod – TPH Impact

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Getting Thru Divorce

Growing up in the church the way I was raised and for many others, this subject was taboo. “you gonna bust hell wide open” is what I heard so often when the saints got a divorce. This is a sensitive subject depending the religious culture you aspire from. God hates divorce, like He hates pride, […]

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God’s Health Plan

God’s Health Plan   When I think of health what do you think of? I have to go to the scripture to find passages on how we are to follow God’s will for our health and well-being.  One scripture found in 3 John 1:2 states, “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper […]

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#KeyManKeyPlan – TPH Impact

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