Author Archives: The Potter's House

#BlessedAndFavored – TPH Impact

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God’s Health Plan

There is a promise that God has given to us. That he wishes above all things that you will prosper, be in good health, even as your soul prospers. So take care of the vessel that God has loaned us for the time that we have left on this earth. If you take care of your vessel, it will take care of you.

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#TheBirthingPlace – TPH Impact

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The Birthing Place

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#ItsMyTurn – TPH Impact

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#ComingIntoYourCalling – TPH Impact

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Prayer and Fasting

What is Fasting? Fasting is the willful abstaining from natural pleasures for a spiritual purpose. It causes your spiritual man to be stronger than your natural man. Your natural man will tell you don’t do this. You have to willfully put your body under subjection. It is a personal commitment to renounce the natural to invoke the spiritual. You have decided that your spirit is more important to you than you flesh is dictating.

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#FightTheGoodFight – TPH Impact

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Fighting The Good Fight

Our Intellectual Quotient (IQ) tells us how much space we have, our intellectual capacity. But it is possible to be intellectually smart and emotionally dwarfed.

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Thanksgiving 2016: Reflections

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