Welcome To Destiny World Children’s Ministry
Destiny World operates under the umbrella of The Potter’s House of Dallas, and is a dynamic children’s ministry that services children ages 3 months to 12 years old. Destiny World has a nursery and numerous classrooms for our older children including children who require special accommodations. Here, at Destiny World, we understand that we are developing the next generation of leaders. . . a privilege that we do not take lightly. We delight in providing our children with a true experience with God, which is accomplished through sound, biblically-based teaching, in a fun environment and a teaching staff that loves children, and are quite simply, the best at what they do. On a weekly basis, we teach our children the core values of Destiny World: I am Destined, Effective, Strong, Teachable, Intelligent, Noble . . . Yours Lord!
It is imperative to us that our children leave our presence understanding how special they are to God and that they belong to Him!
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We encourage you to continue the lessons throughout the week with your child(ren). In this section, you will find tools & resources to keep your child spiritually grounded all week long.
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Kids, this zone is just for you! This is the "go to" place for the latest in Destiny World news/updates as well as cool games to help you grow in your knowledge of Christ.
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We accept infants as early as 3 months of age into Destiny World. Each infant or toddler will receive one on one attention from trained staff and volunteers & keep our infants and toddlers involved in learning about Jesus Christ, our Savior.
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Gifted Stars strives to ensure that our children with special needs understand that they are uniquely gifted and are valuable to the Kingdom of God.We have created an environment to ensure that their physical and spiritual needs are met.
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