The Medical Ministry of The Potter’s House is here to serve you during every worship service with the bodily health of YOU in mind. Devoted to providing all attendees with a prompt and informed response to any medical emergency or concern which may arise, The Medical Ministry is comprised of trained medical responders who will be there for you on the campus of The Potter’s House in time of crisis.
Then too, the Medical Ministry is honored to present the occasional weekend Health Fairs which provide a wealth of information and services for you and your family! Be sure to watch The Potter’s House News to be aware of all upcoming HEALTH events that will help both you and your family to live and grow in the purposed will of God. You are designed and ordained to be HEALTHY and VIBRANT and of a good countenance of WELL-BEING in all things!
We would love to welcome the commitment of your gift to the volunteer initiative of The Potter’s House of Dallas Medical Ministry. We realize that there are many ministries wherein you could invest your volunteer time, and we are truly blessed and excited when you join us in your purposed passion of serving the great people of The Potter’s House!
The Medical Ministry volunteer staff is comprised of clinical, people-oriented, administrative, and facility-strategic people. Our common purpose is to provide a compassionate and professional center of an emergency care-alert response center, first aid services, CPR, wheelchair accessibility, or simply a kind and understanding place in time of need to all congregants who may encounter medical distress. The mission of the Medical Ministry is congruent with The Potter’s House at large; serving as “healers” who are sensitive to the needs of others. Lifting the fallen, restoring the broken, encouraging the discouraged, showing compassion and kindness, and living out the love of God and His enduring mercy to all we encounter. We are dedicated to serving every member, every servant, and every visitor of The Potter’s House with the highest level of excellence, love, and care.
As a special gift, we offer either a CD or DVD of the pulpit message which came forth on the day that you served. Then too, we strongly encourage you to attend our cohesive-fellowship and highly-informative monthly meetings to stay abreast of the directives and developments which continually impact our vibrant ministry!
If we can be of service to you, please feel free to call Pastor Bonné Moon during the office hours of 9 to 5, Monday–Thursday at 214 331-0954 EXT 1061, or you may connect via email at
Pastor Bonné Moon – Pastoral Oversight of Medical Ministry 214 317-6943 (TEXT)
Dr. Jill Waggoner, MD – Consulting Doctor of Medical Ministry
Darian Hampton, DDS – Consulting Doctor of Medical Ministry
Elder Jacqueline Shaw, MD – Directive Coordinator of Medical Ministry 662-544-0560 (TEXT)